Phase II ESA at an Industrial Building in Edmonton

Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase II ESA) at Edmonton (Indoor Drilling using a Small Environmental Drilling Rig)
Anderson Environmental Inc recently undertook a Phase II ESA at an Industrial Building in Edmonton, Alberta as part of a Due Diligence real estate transaction. This Phase 2 ESA was undertaken as a Phase 1 ESA report found that there were potential risks from contamination due to a panel repair shop adjacent to the site and also from the site itself being used for industrial purposes using various chemicals and lubricants for a period of approximately 40 years. We are certified/licenced/insured for undertaking Phase 1 ESA, Phase 2 ESA and Contaminated Site Remediation work.
We are also licenced drillers in Alberta and generally use tour own equipment for most jobs. We have a range of equipment including concrete core drills, the small Environmental Drilling Rig shown in the photo above and specialised direct push motorised equipment. This particular job entailed concrete coring through the workshop floor to enable environmental drilling to examine the soil and take samples from the soil profile for laboratory analysis as part of the Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment.
One of the boreholes was terminated as a groundwater monitoring well and finished with a flush mount steel cap thus allowing for the well to be sampled if required in the future. This is a good resource for the owner as if they ever sell the property the groundwater monitoring well is still in place thus allowing samples to be taken to determine any groundwater contamination which may occur in the future. This can sometimes reduce the cost for a new owner undertaking their own Environmental Site Assessment ((these are often called Preliminary Site Investigations (Phase 1 ESA) and Detailed Site Investigations (Phase 2 ESA) in British Columbia)).
We undertake a range of Phase 1 ESA (Preliminary Site Investigations) and Phase 2 ESA (Detailed Site Investigations) throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario. With experience since 1992 we’re able to help our clients in a highly efficient and professional way to determine potential risks as part of commercial property due diligence assessments and we also undertake site remediation for contaminated sites. Why not give us a call to discuss your project requirements and obtain a free quotation