Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (Phase 1 ESA)
We offer Phase I ESA’s in. We service all the major areas in Toronto and Ontario. We provide Environmental Site Assessment services to: Commercial, Industrial, Real Estate, Agriculture, Mining, and the Upstream Oil and Gas industries throughout Alberta. We have experience assessing a wide range of sites.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (Phase 2 ESA)
We undertake Phase II ESA’s in Toronto and all of Ontario We have undertaken these assessments for a range of sites including gas stations, industrial, mining, oils and gas, residential, agricultural, dry cleaners and agricultural manufacturing or storage sites.

Phase III Environmental Site Remediation (Phase 3 ESA – Remediation)
A Phase III Environmental Site Assessment is usually the next course of action when contamination is confirmed as being present at a site. Depending on the information gained in the Phase II ESA there may be more delineation of the contamination required along with potential further classification of the type and mobility of the contamination.

Record of Site Condition – (RSC)
Records of Site Conditions are often requested by mortgage lenders and/or other financial institutions to evaluate the development potential of a site for change of use or for risk management for financial lending purposes. Changes of use are not permitted or possible until a RSC is filed. To have an RCA conducted by experienced Environmental Consultants with years of experience contact us today.

Land Reclamation and Restoration
Environmental Reclamation and Environmental Restoration is the restoration of land to its natural or former state. Detailed Site Assessments are undertaken to determine the current nature of the site and any limitations to the reclamation so that a realistic timeline and outcome can be achieved.

Environmental Liability Due Diligence and Risk Management
Did you know that once a property/land purchase is finalized you become responsible for any existing environmental issues found on that property or land at a later date? Checking could save you thousands. Contact us today to arrange an environmental risk and liability assessment.