Phase III Environmental Site Assessments (Phase 3 ESA)

A Phase III Environmental Site Assessment is usually the next course of action when contamination is confirmed as being present at a site. Depending on the information gained in the Phase II ESA there may be more delineation of the contamination required along with potential further classification of the type and mobility of the contamination. This is often termed Environmental Site Characterization. This is required to assist in the formulation of a Remedial Action Plan or (RAP). Remedial Action Plans are undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).
Typically Phase III Environmental Site Remediation Assessments and Remedial Action Plans involve:
- Investigation of the site and Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC) to delineate the vertical and lateral extent of the contamination present. Determination of the pathways of contamination and contaminant movement generally as part of a validation of the Conceptual Site Model (CSM).
- Determination of the volume of contaminated soil or groundwater.
- Classification of the contaminated material to determine if off-site disposal or on site treatment is appropriate.
- Development of a Remediation Action Plan for the management of the site in accordance with the Alberta Energy Regulators requirements for Remedial Action Plans. Remedial Action Plans must comply with AEP’s Alberta Tier 1 and Tier 2 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines, the Alberta Environmental Site Assessment Standard, the Alberta Exposure Control Guide and the Alberta Risk Management Plan Guide.
- Restoration of the site by removal of the contamination or on-site treatment.
- Site Validation to provide results and justification that the contamination has been removed.
- Provision of documentation and applications to apply for a Remediation Certificate or a Tier 2 Compliance Letter from Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) in accordance with the Remediation Certificate Amendment Regulation.
We provide professional sign off of Record of Site Condition documentation during the process of assessment of contamination on a site.
There has been a significant change since the passing of the Remediation Certificate Amendment Regulation was passed on June 1st, 2018. Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) has amended regulations that will require all contamination caused by spills that are reported to regulators after January 1, 2019 to be delineated and assessed as soon as possible through a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase II ESA). These Phase II Environmental Site Assessments must meet AEP’s standards. The land must be either remediated within two years or subject to an approved Remedial Action Plan (RAP) with an approved final clean-up date. This can involve the obtaining a Remediation Certificate or a Tier 2 Compliance Letter depending on the situation.
Please give us a call to discuss your requirements and for assistance. As Environmental Consultants servicing Calgary, Edmonton and the whole of Alberta we assist clients in a broad range of environmental assessments.