Migratory Birds Assessments (Nest Sweeps, Bird Sweeps)

Projects which have the potential to disturb nesting and breeding habitat and nests for migratory birds require regulatory approval. Three main pieces of legislation govern impacts on listed Endangered or Threatened Species and these must be considered as part many projects. These include;
- The Federal Migratory Birds Convention Act (MCBA) provides for the protection of migratory birds, and their habitats.
- The Federal Species At Risk Act (SARA) provides protection for listed species and guidelines for their protection.
- In Alberta the Wildlife Act (WA) provides protection for Endangered Species.
We assist our clients by providing advice and undertaking surveys for Migratory Birds, Nest Surveys and Bird Sweeps along with Bat Surveys for activities which have the potential to harm or kill listed species and their habitats. The nesting season is generally April to August and this is generally when the surveys are undertaken however we advise clients on the potential for species to occur based on the potential habitat they have on their site. Mitigation can be considered early on in a project to avoid potential construction delays.
We provide services for the following activities: mining, bridge construction and bridge removal/clearing works, tree and habitat removal and linear developments such as pipelines, power easements, solar farms and roads. We undertake the following services.
- Nest sweeps
- Breeding bird surveys
- Owl Surveys
- Bat Surveys
- Advice on exclusion methods for Birds and Bats
- Pre-Construction Nest Sweeps and Bat Surveys
- Raptor Nest Surveys and Monitoring
- Avian Migration Surveys
- Pre- and Post-Construction Wildlife Surveys and Nest Monitoring
- Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Protection Planning
Please give us a call to discuss your requirements and for assistance. As Environmental Consultants servicing Calgary, Edmonton and the whole of Alberta we assist clients in a broad range of environmental assessments. We have experience undertaking Bird Surveys, Bat Surveys and Assessments since 1992.