Environmental Drilling

Anderson Environmental Inc offers an Environmental Drilling Service using our small trailer mounted Environmental Drill. Small but powerful this unit uses solid stem and hollow stem augers for Environmental Sampling for Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments (Phase 2 ESA). It can also undertake direct push soil sampling in many soil types to allow for split spoon sampling at selected places in the soil profile.
This Environmental Drilling Rig enables us to provide a cost effective service and provides the versatility of undertaking drilling in a range of environments for a range of varied assessments from Phase II ESA’s to Soils Assessments for Agriculture and soil profiling as well as the installation of groundwater monitoring wells (Piezometer) for groundwater monitoring programs. It is particularly suitable for work inside buildings due to the low head clearance height and small footprint but is its equally versatile for outdoor drilling in a variety of locations such as in and around buildings in industrial or residential areas and farm paddocks. The footprint of the rig is 5ft with the rig mast swinging into a rear recess of the trailer thereby making it even more compact.
For even more limited sampling areas such as in basements or low head height areas we have percussion direct push equipment to drive a split spoon sampler. This is useful for Phase II ESA assessments where even a small drill rig cannot access. We use electric or gas powered percussion drivers depending on the location. We also have electric concrete coring equipment to gain access to the soil beneath.
We are Class C drillers and also qualified for undertaking Phase 1, Phase 2 and Remediation. If you wish to hire us just for the drilling you can, or we can provide a value added service of having our Professional Agrologist both run the drill and take the samples for your project thus saving on cost.