Phase III Environmental Site Remediation (Phase 3 ESA – Remediation)

A Phase III Environmental Site Assessment is usually the next course of action when contamination is confirmed as being present at a site. Depending on the information gained in the Phase II ESA there may be more delineation of the contamination required along with potential further classification of the type and mobility of the contamination. This is often termed Environmental Site Characterization. This is required to assist in the formulation of a the Environmental Site Remediation which is specific to the site and contaminants involved.
Typically Phase III Environmental Site Remediation Assessments:
- Investigation of the site and Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC) to delineate the vertical and lateral extent of the contamination present. Determination of the pathways of contamination and contaminant movement generally as part of a validation of the Conceptual Site Model (CSM).
- Determination of the volume of contaminated soil or groundwater.
- Classification of the contaminated material to determine if off-site disposal or on site treatment is appropriate.
- Development of a Remediation Plan/Strategy and work plan for the management of the site. This takes into account a broad range of factors including the underlying geology of the site, soil type, topography, contaminant types and other special factors which may be specific to the site.
- Restoration of the site by removal of the contamination or on-site treatment.
- Site Validation to provide results and justification that the contamination has been removed.
- Sometimes a Modified Generic Risk Assessments (MGRA) and Site Specific Risk Assessments (SSRA) are required when the cleanup of a site is not feasible.
Phase III ESA’s will conclude with a formal report when site restoration and clean-up is complete. These reports outline any follow-up monitoring required for for residual contaminants if considered necessary. The reports provide a confirmation of contaminant removal and/or treatment, and the current status of the site including field and laboratory results to support the report conclusions.
As experienced Environmental Consultants and Environmental Site Assessment Consultants we can undertake a range of assessments to assist our clients in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area as well as throughout Ontario. As a small company we are client focussed and cost effective.