Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (Phase 2 ESA)

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments are undertaken in Toronto the Greater Toronto Area and Ontario. We have undertaken these assessments for a range of sites including gas stations, dry cleaners, industrial, mining, oils and gas, residential, agricultural, and agricultural manufacturing or storage sites.
Our Phase II Environmental Site Assessments are undertaken in accordance with;
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA) document: Z769-00 (2013) – Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment;
- the Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 153/04 for Phase II ESA’s, and
- ASTM International, ASTM E1903-11
We provide Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment services to: Commercial, Industrial, Real Estate, Agriculture, Mining, throughout Toronto, the Greater Toronto Area and Ontario. Our sampling protocols adhere to the Ontario Regulation and ATSM Standards and where appropriate, the federal Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Guidelines.
What is a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment ?
A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 2 ESA) entails sampling of the soil and/or groundwater to determine the nature and extent of contamination on or adjacent to the subject property. It is the first intrusive step in a site characterization. A Phase II ESA, involves intrusive sampling to test the Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (APECs) which were identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. O. Reg. 153/04 outlines the requirements that must be met by Phase II ESAs in Ontario. Completion of a Phase II ESA involves a sampling plan based on the sites specific APECs. This intrusive investigation often involves taking surface and sub-surface soil samples, surface and groundwater samples, and other materials on site as necessary.
A Phase II ESA is undertaken to determine if the soil or groundwater has been contaminated due to previous uses of the site or from neighbouring activities. Most often a Phase II ESA involves the following:
- Geophysical survey of the site and buried utility locate surveys to determine any underground voids (such as sumps or underground storage tanks – UST’s) and to avoid drilling through any services when undertaking Geotechnical Drilling to collect soil samples or to install a groundwater monitoring well.
- Collection of soil, groundwater, surface water and sediment samples. Vapour samples are also collected for certain situations. Samples collected can be near surface and/or at depth and geotechnical drilling equipment in the form of solid flight augers or direct push sampling is often used in order to collect the samples and install monitoring wells.
- Samples collected are inspected for their physical properties and then analysed by a registered environmental laboratory to determine any contaminants.
- Data interpretation and analysis which often includes a Conceptual Site Model and qualitative risk assessment. Levels of contaminants are compared against guideline levels.
- Preparation of a Phase II ESA detailed report.
As experienced Environmental Consultants and Environmental Site Assessment Consultants we can undertake a range of assessments to assist our clients in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area as well as throughout Ontario. As a small company we are client focussed and cost effective.